Raster Pipeline
CropTiffsWithShapefiles.sml: Script to resample georeferenced airphoto TIFF files to NAD83 / New Jersey State Plane Feet and crop to a rectangular area in that coordinate system. The rectangular area for each photo TIFF is defined by a rectangle in an accompanying shapefile. | CropTiffsWithShapefiles.sml | |
filterTest.sml | filterTest.sml | |
PipelineContrastCompositeToTIFF.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application: applying contrast to three grayscale RVC source rasters and making an RGB composite GeoTIFF file. | PipelineContrastCompositeToTIFF.sml | |
PipelineCropAndMaskFromRegion.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate use of a region as a pipeline source to mask and crop a source image. |
PipelineCropAndMaskFromRegion.sml![]() |
PipelineFilterLookup.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: applying contrast to a grayscale raster. | PipelineFilterLookup.sml | |
PipelineMosaicToReference.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application using multiple RVC sources and a single RVC target: mosaicking the source rasters. |
PipelineMosaicToReference.sml![]() |
PipelineNDVIfromTIFF_CropAndMaskFromRegion.sml | PipelineNDVIfromTIFF_CropAndMaskFromRegion.sml | |
PipelineNDVIfromTIFF.sml: Computes a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) raster from Red and Near-infrared bands directly from an input GeoTIFF file containing a 4-band multispectral QuickBird or Ikonos satellite image. | PipelineNDVIfromTIFF.sml | |
PipelinePanSharp.sml: Sample script that illustrates 1) the use of a custom dialog window constructed using an XML dialog specification and 2) assembly of an Image Pipeline using options set from the dialog. The script computes a pan-sharpened color-composite image from three low-resolution bands of a multispectral image (must match each other in dimensions and extents) and a higher-resolution panchromatic image. |
PipelinePanSharp.sml | |
PipelineResampleToGeoref.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a source raster to match its georeference at the specified cell size. |
PipelineResampleToGeoref.sml![]() |
PipelineResampleToGeorefMulti.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: Reprojecting a series of source rasters with control-point georeference to align their lines/columns with their coordinate reference system and maintain their current cell size. Script shows how to incorporate an image processing pipeline into a user-defined function that is iteratively called to process a series of grayscale rasters through the same processing steps, with each iteration producing a single output raster. |
PipelineResampleToGeorefMulti.sml | |
PipelineResampleToMatch.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a source raster to match the extents, cell size, and projection of a reference raster. |
PipelineResampleToMatch.sml![]() |
PipelineResampleToMatchMulti.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a series of georeferenced source rasters to match the extents, cell size, and projection of a georeferenced reference raster. Script shows how to incorporate an image processing pipeline into a user-defined function that is iteratively called to process a series of grayscale rasters through the same processing steps, with each each iteration producing a single output raster. |
PipelineResampleToMatchMulti.sml | |
PipelineResampleToUTM.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a source raster to a different coordinate reference system. In this example the image is reprojected to the UTM zone appropriate for its location while maintaining the same datum. | PipelineResampleToUTM.sml | |
PipelineTopographic.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application using a single RVC source and a target consisting of several RVC raster objects. | PipelineTopographic.sml | |
ProvisionPoly.sml: Image provisioning script for client providing polygon vertex coordinates. | ProvisionPoly.sml | |
ProvisionRect.sml: Image provisioning script for client providing rectangular extents. | ProvisionRect.sml | |
ProvisionSection.sml: Image provisioning script for extracting Nebraska orthoimage for Township, Range, and Section. | ProvisionSection.sml | |
TIFF_TO_JP2_Pipeline.sml: Links to one or more input GeoTIFF files and exports each to a GeoJP2 file with selected compression settings. | TIFF_TO_JP2_Pipeline.sml |