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## CropTiffsWithShapefiles.sml
# Script to resample georeferenced airphoto TIFF files to
# NAD83 / New Jersey State Plane Feet and crop to
# a rectangular area in that coordinate system. The
# rectangular area for each photo TIFF is defined by a
# rectangle in an accompanying shapefile.
# The output for each input TIFF is a resampled and cropped
# TIFF file (uncompressed, with no GeoTIFF tags) with
# Arc World (.tfw) and .prj files. A log file (text) is
# created in the same directory as the output files to
# record the processing parameters and result for each
# TIFF file.
# The script creates and opens a dialog window to allow the user
# to create input and output directories and to provide status
# information on the processing.
# Assumptions and Conditions:
# 1) The user selects a single input directory containing both
# TIFF and matching shape files
# 2) Input TIFF filenames begin with a unique 4-digit photo number.
# 3) The shapefile that matches a particular input TIFF has a filename that
# begins with the same 4-digit identifier as that TIFF file.
# 4) TIFF files that do not have a matching shape file in the input directory
# are skipped during processing and reported in the script dialog and log file.
# 5) A TIFF file whose rectangle in the matching shape file is not fully contained
# within the map extents of the TIFF file is skipped during processing and
# reported in the log file.
# 5) Extra nonmatching shape files in the input directory are ignored.
# 6) All output TIFF files are placed in a single directory selected by the user.
# 7) Georeferenced input TIFFs need not be georeferenced to the same
# coordinate reference system. (i.e, TIFFs georeferenced to New Jersey
# State Plane feet or meters will both work).
# Version 26 March 2009
# Requires TNT 2008:74 dated 30 December 2008 or later
############### Global Variables #################
class STRING inDir$, outDir$;
numeric err; # error flag
class STRINGLIST inTiffList, inShapeList; # lists of input TIFF and shape files
class STRING logfilename$; # name of log file
class FILE logfile;
class GUI_DLG dlgwin;
class GUI_CTRL_EDIT_STRING indirtext, outdirtext;
class GUI_CTRL_EDIT_NUMBER numTiff, numShape, numProc;
class GUI_CTRL_LISTBOX TIFFlistbox, Shapelistbox, Proclistbox;
class GUI_CTRL_EDIT_STRING statustext;
class GUI_CTRL_PUSHBUTTON runBtn, cancelBtn, closeBtn;
class STATUSDIALOG statusD;
class STATUSCONTEXT statusC;
############### User-defined Procedures #############
# error checking procedure
proc ReportError(numeric linenum, numeric err) {
printf("FAILED -line: %d, error: %d\n", linenum - 1, err);
### function to find matching shapefile and return its path string
func string findShapefile(class STRINGLIST list, class STRING id$)
local numeric j;
local numeric shapefound = 0;
local string foundShapename$;
local class FILEPATH shapeName; # filepath for the current shapefile
local class STRING shapename$; # shape filename
local class STRING test$; # first nine characters of the shape filename
for j = 1 to list.GetNumItems()
shapeName = list[j-1];
shapename$ = shapeName.GetName();
test$ = shapename$.substr(0, 9);
if (test$ == id$)
shapefound = 1;
foundShapename$ = shapename$;
if (shapefound)
return foundShapename$;
return "failed";
} # end findShapefile
### procedure to get the output directory
proc GetOutDirectory()
outDir$ = GetDirectory("", "Select output directory:");
class FILEPATH outDirPath(outDir$);
outdirtext.SetValueStr(outDir$); # write output directory name to dialog
class DATETIME currentDT;
# open log file for this run
logfilename$ = sprintf("%s/%s.log", outDir$, outDirPath.GetNameOnly() );
logfile = fopen(logfilename$, "a");
fprint(logfile, "Log for TIFF file extraction and resampling.");
fprintf(logfile, "\nProcessing initiated %s Local Time\n", currentDT);
fprintf(logfile, "Input directory = %s\n", inDir$);
fprintf(logfile, "Output directory = %s\n", outDir$);
fprintf(logfile, "Number of tiff files found = %d\n", inTiffList.GetNumItems() );
fprintf(logfile, "Number of shape files found = %d\n", inShapeList.GetNumItems() );
# enable Run button
### procedure to get the input directory
proc GetInDirectory()
local numeric i, j;
local numeric shapecount;
inDir$ = GetDirectory("", "Select directory with TIFF and SHAPE files:");
class FILEPATH inDirPath(inDir$);
indirtext.SetValueStr(inDir$); # write input directory name to dialog
# clear dialog listboxes if they are still populated from a previous run
if (TIFFlistbox.GetCount() > 0) then
if (Shapelistbox.GetCount() > 0) then
if (Proclistbox.GetCount() > 0)
outDir$ = "";
outdirtext.SetValueStr(""); # clear output directory text field
statustext.SetValueStr(""); # clear status message text field
local class STRING tiffName$; # filename of current TIFF file
local class STRING id$; # id$ = first nine characters of TIFF filename
local class STRING shapefileName$;
inTiffList = inDirPath.GetFileList("*.tif");
inShapeList = inDirPath.GetFileList("*.shp");
for i = 1 to inTiffList.GetNumItems()
TIFFlistbox.AddItem( inTiffList[i-1] ); # add TIFF filename to listbox in dialog
# get first nine characters of TIFF filename as id to check for matching shapefile
tiffName$ = inTiffList[i-1];
id$ = tiffName$.substr(0, 9);
shapefileName$ = findShapefile(inShapeList, id$);
if (shapefileName$ <> "failed") # matching shape file found
statustext.SetValueStr( sprintf("No matching shapefile found for %s\n", tiffName$) );
# write number of files found to the dialog
numTiff.SetValueNum(inTiffList.GetNumItems() );
# enable Output Directory and Cancel buttons
### procedure called by the Close button
proc onClose()
### procedure called by the Close button
proc onCancel()
### procedure called by the Run button
proc onRun()
local numeric success;
statusC = statusD.CreateContext();
### set output Coordinate Reference System
### NAD83 / New Jersey State Plain ftUS
class SR_DATUM datum;
class SR_COORDSYS coordsys;
class SR_COORDOPDEF projection;
crsNJSPFT.Create(coordsys, datum, projection);
fprintf(logfile, "Output coordinate reference system = %s\n", crsNJSPFT.Name);
### loop through the list of input TIFF files to perform extraction
local numeric i; # counter
statusC.BarInit(inShapeList.GetNumItems(), 0);
for i = 1 to inTiffList.GetNumItems()
fprintf(logfile, "\nTiff file %d: %s\n", i, inTiffList[i-1] );
string shapepath$; # full path string for the matching shapefile
class STRING tiffName$ = inTiffList[i-1]; # filename of current TIFF file
class STRING id$ = tiffName$.substr(0, 9); # id$ = first four characters of TIFF filename
# call custom function to find shapefile name with first 4 characters matching those of TIFF file
shapepath$ = findShapefile(inShapeList, id$);
if (shapepath$ == "failed") # no matching shape file found
fprintf(logfile, "No matching shapefile found for %s\n", tiffName$);
statusC.Message = sprintf("No matching shapefile found for %s\n", tiffName$);
statustext.SetValueStr( sprintf("No matching shapefile found for %s\n", tiffName$) );
else # a shape file matches the current TIFF file
statusC.Message = sprintf("Processing %s...", tiffName$);
statusC.BarIncrement(1, 0);
statustext.SetValueStr(sprintf("Processing %s...", tiffName$) );
++ success;
# construct full filepath for matching shapefile
class FILEPATH shapeFilepath;
shapeFilepath = inDirPath;
fprintf(logfile, "matching shapefile = %s\n", shapeFilepath);
# construct full path for current TIFF file
class FILEPATH tiffFilepath;
tiffFilepath = inDirPath;
# Set up pipeline source for TIFF file
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_SOURCE_TIFF sourceTIFF(tiffFilepath);
err = sourceTIFF.Initialize();
# get pipeline georeference from the source image
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_GEOREFERENCE georefSource; # georeference from source
georefSource = sourceTIFF.GetGeoreference();
# get coordinate reference system from source TIFF image
class SR_COORDREFSYS crsSource;
crsSource = georefSource.GetCRS();
fprintf(logfile, "source TIFF coordinate reference system = %s\n", crsSource.Name);
# get extents of the source image as a region
class REGION2D sourceRegion;
# get centroid of the extents region to use to compute source cell size
class POINT2D centerPt;
centerPt = sourceRegion.GetCentroid();
fprintf(logfile, "Center point of TIFF: x = %.2f, y = %.2f\n", centerPt.x, centerPt.y);
# get coordinate transformation from source image to its defined CRS
class TRANS2D_MAPGEN transImgToCRS = georefSource.GetTransGen();
# compute center point of source TIFF image in image coordinates
class POINT2D centerPtImg;
centerPtImg = transImgToCRS.ConvertPoint2DInv(centerPt);
fprintf(logfile, "Center point of TIFF in image coordinates: x = %.1f, y = %.1f\n", centerPtImg.x, centerPtImg.y);
# compute cell sizes (scales) in meters at center of TIFF image from its georeference
class POINT2D rastScale;
georefSource.ComputeScale(centerPtImg, rastScale, 1);
fprintf(logfile, "TIFF cell size (m): x = %.1f, y = %.1f\n", rastScale.x, rastScale.y);
# convert cell sizes to US survey feet to use to find dimensions of output image from
# the extents of the rectangle in the shape file
numeric metersToFeet = GetUnitConvDist("m", "ft");
rastScale.x = rastScale.x * metersToFeet;
rastScale.y = rastScale.y * metersToFeet;
fprintf(logfile, "TIFF cell size (ft): x = %.1f, y = %.1f\n", rastScale.x, rastScale.y);
# convert source region to New Jersey State Plane feet if necessary
if (sourceRegion.CoordRefSys.Name <> crsNJSPFT.Name)
fprintf(logfile, "Converting TIFF extents region %s to %s to test containment.\n", tiffName$, crsNJSPFT.Name);
# open the shapefile
class RVC_SHAPE shape;
err = shape.OpenByName(shapeFilepath, shapeFilepath.GetName(), "Read");
# get the georeference from the shapefile
class RVC_GEOREFERENCE shapeGeoref;
fprintf(logfile, "Shapefile coordinate reference system = %s\n", shapeGeoref.GetCoordRefSys().Name);
# get the rectangle from the shapefile as a region and set its CRS
class REGION2D clipRegion;
clipRegion = shape.ReadPolygons(0);
clipRegion.CoordRefSys =shapeGeoref.GetCoordRefSys();
# convert extraction region to New Jersey State Plane feet if necessary
if (clipRegion.CoordRefSys <> crsNJSPFT.Name)
fprintf(logfile, "Converting clip region for %s to %s\n", tiffName$, crsNJSPFT.Name);
### check extraction area
if (sourceRegion.TestRegion(clipRegion, "FullInside") )
fprintf(logfile, "Source image %s contains the extraction area.\n", tiffName$);
fprintf(logfile, "clipRegion minX = %.4f, maxX = %.4f\n", clipRegion.Extents.x1, clipRegion.Extents.x2);
fprintf(logfile, "clipRegion minY = %.4f, maxY = %.4f\n", clipRegion.Extents.y1, clipRegion.Extents.y2);
# compute image extract dimensions in raster lines and columns
numeric numLins, numCols;
numLins = abs(round( (clipRegion.Extents.y2 - clipRegion.Extents.y1) / rastScale.y));
numCols = round( (clipRegion.Extents.x2 - clipRegion.Extents.x1) / rastScale.x);
fprintf(logfile, "Image dimensions of extraction area: %d lines, %d columns\n", numLins, numCols);
dimensions.SetTotalDimensions(numCols, numLins);
# set up affine georeference for target image
class TRANS2D_AFFINE transAffine;
transAffine.ApplyScale(rastScale.x, rastScale.y);
transAffine.ApplyOffset(clipRegion.Extents.x1, clipRegion.Extents.y2);
targetGeoref.SetTransAffine(crsNJSPFT, transAffine);
# set up pipeline filter to resample & extract the image
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_FILTER_RESAMPLE filterResample(sourceTIFF, dimensions, targetGeoref, "Nearest");
err = filterResample.Initialize();
if (err < 0) then ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
# construct filepath for output TIFF file
class FILEPATH outFilepath(outDir$);
outFilepath.Append(id$ + "crp.tif");
fprintf(logfile, "Filepath for the output TIFF file = %s\n", outFilepath);
# set up pipeline filter target and process
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_TARGET_TIFF tiffTarget(filterResample, outFilepath, "ArcWorld");
settings.SetGeoTag("None"); # no GeoTiff tags
err = tiffTarget.Initialize();
if (err < 0) then ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
err = tiffTarget.Process();
if (err < 0) then ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
fprintf(logfile, "File %s successfully extracted.\n", tiffName$);
Proclistbox.AddItem( outFilepath.GetName() );
} # end: if (sourceRegion.TestRegion(clipRegion, "FullInside") )
fprintf(logfile, "Extraction area for %s is outside the extents of the source image. No extracted image created.\n", tiffName$);
} # end: else a shapefile matches current tiff file
} # end: for i = 1 to inTiffList.GetNumItems()
statustext.SetValueStr("Processing complete.");
} # end of onRun()
################# Main Program #####################
class STRING xml$='<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "smlforms.dtd">
<dialog id="dlgxtiff" Title="Crop/Resample TIFFs Using Shapefiles" Buttons="">
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<pushbutton Name=" Input Directory " OnPressed="GetInDirectory()"/>
<edittext id="indirtext" width="30" ReadOnly="true"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<pushbutton id="outDirBtn" Name=" Output Directory " Enabled="false" OnPressed="GetOutDirectory()"/>
<edittext id="outdirtext" Width="30" ReadOnly="true"/>
<groupbox ExtraBorder="3">
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<pane Orientation="Vertical" HorizResize="Fixed" VertResize="Fixed">
<listbox id="TIFFlistbox" Width="10"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<editnumber id="numTiff" Width="2" Precision="0" BlankZero="true" ReadOnly="true"/>
<label> TIFF files </label>
<pane Orientation="Vertical" HorizResize="Fixed" VertResize="Fixed">
<listbox id="Shapelistbox" Width="15"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<editnumber id="numShape" Width="2" Precision="0" BlankZero="true" ReadOnly="true"/>
<label> matching shapefiles </label>
<pane Orientation="Vertical" HorizResize="Fixed" VertResize="Fixed">
<listbox id="Proclistbox" Width="10"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<editnumber id="numProc" Width="2" Precision="0" BlankZero="true" ReadOnly="true"/>
<label> successfully processed</label>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizAlign="left">
<edittext id="statustext" Width="20" ReadOnly="true"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizAlign="right">
<pushbutton id="runBtn" Name=" Run " Enabled="false" OnPressed="onRun()"/>
<pushbutton id="cancelBtn" Name=" Cancel " Enabled="false" OnPressed="onCancel()"/>
<pushbutton id="closeBtn" Name=" Close " OnPressed="onClose()"/>
### parse XML text for the dialog into memory
class XMLDOC dlgdoc;
err = dlgdoc.Parse(xml$);
### get the dialog element from the parsed XML document
class XMLNODE dlgnode;
dlgnode = dlgdoc.GetElementByID("dlgxtiff");
### set the dialog XML element as the source for the GUI_DLG class instance
### get handles for dialog controls
outDirBtn = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("outDirBtn");
indirtext = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("indirtext");
outdirtext = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("outdirtext");
numTiff = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("numTiff");
numShape = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("numShape");
numProc = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("numProc");
TIFFlistbox = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("TIFFlistbox");
Shapelistbox = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("Shapelistbox");
Proclistbox = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("Proclistbox");
statustext = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("statustext");
runBtn = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("runBtn");
cancelBtn = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("cancelBtn");
closeBtn = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("closeBtn");