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# rtHiAngFlt1.qry
# This is a sample script for drawing a right-lateral high-angle dip-slip
# fault line (solid) with U and D marking upthrown / downthrown sides of
# the fault. The U symbol is drawn on the left side of the line.
# If this is the wrong side for an individual line, use
# the Spatial Data Editor to reverse its start and end points.
# Version March 2008
# Requires TNTmips 2006:72 or later.
# Version 30 April 2008
# Improved drawing of displacement arrows so they look better for
# wider line widths. Arrow offset determined from line width.
numeric red, green, blue;
numeric scale, lineLength, height, height8, heightMap;
numeric arrowLengthMap, arrowSize, wingSizeFac, wingSize, angle, offsetFac, arrowOffset;
numeric offset, width, widthMap, charWidth;
numeric minangle, maxangle;
numeric shiftU, shiftD;
class STRING fontName$, coordUnit$;
###################### Set Parameters ##############################
# red, green, blue variables define the color of the line
red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0;
# This variable defines the denominator of the intended map scale.
# It is used as the basis for defining line width and symbol size
# and spacing.
# Example: for 1:24,000 map scale, Scale = 24000
scale = 24000;
# This variable controls the width of the lines.
# WidthMap is the desired map width in mm, assuming vector
# coordinates are in meters.
widthMap = 0.6;
# These variables control the drawing of the U and D
# text characters. HeightMap is the desired height of the
# letters in mm, assuming vector coordinates are in meters.
heightMap = 5;
fontName$ = "ARIALBD.TTF";
# This variable controls the offset of the U and D text characters
# on either side of the fault line. It is the desired offset between
# the line and the closest corner of the character. Positioning of the
# anchor point for each text label (lower left corner) is calculated from
# this offset factor, the local line orientation, and the character height.
offsetChar = 0.3; # offset as a fraction of character height
# This variable sets the length of the arrows
# ArrowLengthMap is the desired arrow length in mm, assuming vector
# coordinates are in meters:
arrowLengthMap = 6;
# This variable controls the sweep angle of the arrow in degrees
angle = 30; # 30 degree angle
# This variable sets the length of the side of the arrowhead as a
# fraction of the arrow length
wingSizeFac = 0.4;
# This variable controls how far from the base line to draw arrows
# as a multiple of line width
offsetFac = 2.5;
####################### Compute Derived Values ########################
# Check if vector has geographic coordinates (units of degrees instead of meters)
# and if so adjust scale factor to draw symbols of appropriate size.
vectCRS = vGeoref.GetCoordRefSys();
if (vectCRS.IsProjected() <> 1) {
if (vectCRS.IsLocal() <> 1) {
scale = scale * 0.000009;
else { # CRS is projected; check coordinate units to adjust scale
# get coordinate unit from the first axis of the planar coordinate system
coordUnit$ = vectCRS.Coordsys.GetAxis(1).Unit.GetSymbol();
scale = scale * GetUnitConvDist("m", coordUnit$);
# set final dimensions for drawing
if (DrawingLegendView == 1) { # set dimensions for LegendView based on sample size
height = 0.5 * SampleRect.GetHeight();
width = 0.25 * height;
arrowSize = 0.4 * SampleRect.GetWidth();
else { # set dimensions for drawing elements in View
scale = scale / 1000; # conversion from meters to millimeters
height = heightMap * scale;
width = widthMap * scale;
arrowSize = arrowLengthMap * scale;
# Compute additional parameters for letter placement
charWidth = height * 0.65;
height8 = 0.8 * height;
offset = height * offsetChar;
# Compute final dimensions of the arrow head
wingSize = wingSizeFac * arrowSize;
headBase = wingSize * sind(angle); # length of base of half arrow head
# Compute arrow offset from the base line
arrowOffset = offsetFac * width;
############################ Draw ##############################
# Set line color, width, and draw line
# Draw U and D letter symbols
LineStyleSetTextColor(red, green, blue);
LineStyleSetPosition(0.5); # move to center of line
LineStyleRoll(-arrowSize); # roll back length of one arrow to draw U/D symbol
LineStyleGetDirection(0, minangle, maxangle); # get local line direction to determine U/D symbol placement
# Determine shift of U / D symbols based on line direction
if (minangle >= 0 and minangle < 90) {
LineStyleMoveTo(180, 0.5 * (charWidth * cosd(minangle) + height8 * sind(minangle)));
shiftU = offset + charWidth * sind(minangle);
shiftD = offset + height8 * cosd(minangle);
else if (minangle >= 90 and minangle <= 180)
LineStyleMoveTo(180, 0.5 * height8 * sind(180 - minangle));
LineStyleMoveTo(0, 0.5 * charWidth * cosd(180 - minangle));
shiftU = offset + charWidth * sind(minangle) - height8 * cosd(minangle);
shiftD = offset;
else if (minangle > -180 and minangle < -90)
LineStyleMoveTo(180, 0.5 * height8 * sind(180 - minangle));
LineStyleMoveTo(0, 0.5 * charWidth * cosd(180 - minangle));
shiftU = offset - height8 * cosd(minangle);
shiftD = offset - charWidth * sind(minangle);
else if (minangle >= -90 and minangle < 0)
LineStyleMoveTo(180, 0.5 * (charWidth * cosd(minangle) + height8 * sind(minangle)));
shiftU = offset;
shiftD = offset - charWidth * sind(minangle) + height8 * cosd(minangle);
# Draw U / D symbols
LineStyleMoveTo(90, shiftU);
LineStyleDrawText("U", height, 0, 1);
LineStyleMoveTo(-90, shiftD);
LineStyleDrawText("D", height, 0, 1);
LineStyleRoll(arrowSize); # roll forward to line center again
# Draw first half-arrow forward on left side of line
LineStyleMoveTo(90, arrowOffset);
LineStyleDropAnchor(3); # anchor at base of arrow shaft
LineStyleMoveTo(0, arrowSize); # move forward to tip of arrow
LineStyleDropAnchor(4); # anchor at tip of arrow
LineStyleRecordPolygon(1); # start recording vertices for arrow head polygon
LineStyleLineTo(180 - angle, wingSize); # draw arrowhead side
LineStyleLineTo(-90, headBase); # draw arrowhead base
LineStyleDrawPolygon(1); # fill polygon
LineStyleLineToAnchor(3); # draw arrow shaft back to base
# Draw other half-arrow backward on right side of line
LineStyleMoveTo(-90, 2 * arrowOffset); # offset to other side of line
LineStyleDropAnchor(6); # anchor at base of arrow
LineStyleMoveTo(180, arrowSize); # move backward to tip of arrow
LineStyleDropAnchor(7); # anchor at tip of arrow
LineStyleRecordPolygon(1); # start recording vertices for arrow head polygon
LineStyleLineTo(-angle, wingSize);
LineStyleLineTo(90, headBase);
LineStyleLineToAnchor(6); # draw arrow shaft back to base