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# ArrowQry1
# Point CartoScript to draw a black arrow oriented in a
# direction determined from an azimuth value in the database.
# Script discussed in Using CartoScripts tutorial.
# Read azimuth from database table
azim = Direct.Azimuth;
# Convert azimuth to internal coordinate system
direction = -(azim - 90);
	if (direction < 0) then  direction = direction + 360;
# Set color values for symbol
red = 0;		green = 0;		blue = 0;
LineStyleSetColor(red, green,blue);
# Set dimensions for arrow
arrowLength = 30;
headSize = 0.4 * arrowLength;
sweepAngle = 40;   dofill = 1;
# Draw arrow with zero line width, tip of stem at point
LineStyleDropAnchor(0);			# anchor at point
LineStyleDropAnchor(1);			# anchor at tip of arrow
# Redraw arrow stem with wider line
stemLength = arrowLength - headSize * cosd(sweepAngle);
LineStyleLineTo(direction, stemLength);
LineStyleMoveToAnchor(1);   # pen to arrow tip in prep for label