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# sample script for tutorial "Writing Scripts with SML.
# illustrating use of vector toolkit.
# Use information from an input raster to add elements to a new vector object.
# revised and updated 5 November 2009
# Get input raster and find its geographic extents in map
### coordinates defined by its georeference object.
# get georeference and coordinate reference system for input raster
printf("Raster CRS = %s\n", rGeoref.GetCoordRefSys().Name);
# get extents of the input raster in object (line and column) coordinates
class RECT3D extents;
# get coordinate transformation from raster object to map coordinates from the georeference
class TRANS2D_MAPGEN rTransObjToMap;
rGeoref.GetTransParm(rTransObjToMap, 0, rGeoref.GetCalibModel() );
# convert raster extents RECT3D to map coordinates
extents = rTransObjToMap.ConvertRectFwd(extents);
printf("Minimum extents of raster: MinX = %.2f, MinY = %.2f\n", extents.x1, extents.y1);
printf("Maximum extents of raster: MaxX = %.2f, MaxY = %.2f\n", extents.X2, extents.y2);
# Get maximum raster value and find line,column
# position of maximum. (Stop search at first instance.)
numeric rmax, lin, col, maxline, maxcol, max_X, max_Y;
rmax = GlobalMax(R);
for each R[lin,col] {
if (R == rmax) {
maxline = lin;
maxcol = col;
printf("Maximum raster value = %d\n", rmax);
printf("Line number of maximum value = %d\n", maxline);
printf("Column number of maximum value = %d\n", maxcol);
# Convert max cell location to map coordinates
class POINT2D ptMax; ptMax.x = maxcol; ptMax.y = maxline;
ptMax = rTransObjToMap.ConvertPoint2DFwd(ptMax);
printf("Map x coordinate of raster maximum = %.2f\n", ptMax.x);
printf("Map y coordinate of raster maximum = %.2f\n", ptMax.y);
# close the raster object
# Get new output vector object and initialize it.
# for adding / modifying elements with the vector toolkit.
class RVC_VECTOR VecBoundary;
GetOutputVector(VecBoundary, "VectorToolkit,Polygonal", extents);
# set name and description for a georeference subobject of the vector
class RVC_DESCRIPTOR vgDescript;
vgDescript.SetDescription( sprintf("Implied Georeference to %s", rGeoref.GetCoordRefSys().Name) );
# Create georeference for vector set to same CRS as the input raster;
# set it to be implied georeference.
class RVC_GEOREFERENCE vecGeoref;
vecGeoref.SetCoordRefSys(rGeoref.GetCoordRefSys() );
vecGeoref.Make(VecBoundary, vgDescript);
# Print resulting vector georeference parameters to console.
printf("VecBoundary CRS = %s\n", vecGeoref.GetCoordRefSys().Name);
# create polyline to outline the geographic extents of the input raster.
# Begin at lower left extents corner and proceed clockwise.
class POINT2D pt;
class POLYLINE bdry;
bdry.AppendVertex(extents.pt1); # add point at extents lower left corner (min, min)
pt.x = extents.x1; pt.y = extents.y2; # make point for upper left corner and append
bdry.AppendVertex(extents.pt2); # add point at extents upper right corner (max, max)
pt.x = extents.x2; pt.y = extents.y1; # make point for lower right corner and append
bdry.SetClosed(1); # close the polyline to form a rectangular polygon
# use the polyline to add a line element for the boundary to the vector object
VectorAddPolyLine(VecBoundary, bdry);
# Find the location on the boundary line that is closest to the
# maximum raster point and draw a line between the two points.
numeric linenum, close_X, close_Y;
linenum = FindClosestLine(VecBoundary, ptMax.x, ptMax.y);
ClosestPointOnLine(VecBoundary, linenum, ptMax.x, ptMax.y, close_X, close_Y);
# use simple function to create straight line between two end points
VectorAddTwoPointLine(VecBoundary, ptMax.x, ptMax.y, close_X, close_Y);
# Add point element to vector object at location of maximum raster value.
VectorAddPoint(VecBoundary, ptMax.x, ptMax.y);
printf("Number of points in output = %d\n", VecBoundary.$Info.NumPoints);
# Validate and close the vector object