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# CreatePolyStyles.sml
# Sample script that sets up styles by attribute for vector polygons.
# Creates the styles in a style subobject and sets up the style assignment table.
# Sets display parameters for polygons to By Attribute using these styles.
# Designed for an input vector with an attribute table "PolyType" with 
# classes A, B, and C in the PolyType.Type field.
# The input vector object is copied to a new vector object in the same Project File,
# and styles are set up for the copy.
# Requires TNTgis 2016 dated 4 March 2015 or later.
# get the input vector
class RVC_VECTOR PolyVecIn;
class RVC_OBJITEM vecInObjItem;	# to be returned by DlgGetObject function
DlgGetObject("Select vector object:", "Vector", vecInObjItem, "ExistingOnly");
PolyVecIn.Open(vecInObjItem, "Read");
# make a copy of the input vector in the same Project File and open it 
class RVC_OBJECT vectorParent; 		# the Project File
PolyVecIn.GetParent(vectorParent);	 # get the parent object of the input vector
class RVC_OBJITEM fileObjItem = vectorParent.GetObjItem(); 	# ObjItem for the project file
vectorParent.Open(fileObjItem, "Write");			# must open the file to write in order to copy the vector
class RVC_VECTOR PolyVecOut;		# new vector with polygons to get the styles
class RVC_Descriptor vecOutDescript;
vecOutDescript.SetDescription("Polygon vector with styles created by script");
# copy the vector
PolyVecIn.CopyTo(vectorParent, PolyVecOut, "none", vecOutDescript); 
class RVC_ObjItem vecOutObjItem;
vecOutObjItem = PolyVecOut.GetObjItem();		# get the ObjItem for the copy
PolyVecOut.Open(vecOutObjItem, "Write");		# open it
PolyVecIn.Close(); 	# close the input vector
# set up stringlist of key attribute values
class STRINGLIST attList;
# set up the polygon styles for polygon attributes "A", "B", "C"
class COLOR colorA, colorB, colorC, colorBorder;
numeric range = 100;
colorA.SetRGB(100, 0, 0, range);		# red
colorB.SetRGB(100, 100, 0, range);	# yellow
colorC.SetRGB(0, 100, 0, range);		# green
colorBorder.SetRGB(0, 0, 0, range);	# black border
class POLYSTYLE polystyleA, polystyleB, polystyleC;
polystyleA.FillColor = colorA;
polystyleA.Fill = 1;		# fill the polygon
polystyleA.BorderColor = colorBorder;
polystyleA.DrawBorder = 1;
polystyleA.UseLayoutScale = 1;
polystyleA.Width = 0.5;
polystyleB.FillColor = colorB;
polystyleB.Fill = 1;
polystyleB.BorderColor = colorBorder;
polystyleB.DrawBorder = 1;
polystyleB.UseLayoutScale = 1;
polystyleB.Width = 0.5;
polystyleC.FillColor = colorC;
polystyleC.Fill = 1;
polystyleC.BorderColor = colorBorder;
polystyleC.DrawBorder = 1;
polystyleC.UseLayoutScale = 1;
polystyleC.Width = 0.5;
print("Created polygon styles.");
# create the style subobject in the output vector
class RVC_DESCRIPTOR styleDescript;		# name and description for the style object
styleDescript.SetDescription("Styles set up by SML Script"); 
class RVC_OBJITEM styleObjItem;		# create the ObjItem for the style object
styleObjItem.CreateNew(vecOutObjItem, "STYLE", styleDescript);
class RVC_STYLE myStyles;		# style object
myStyles.Make(styleObjItem);				# make the style subobject
myStyles.Open(styleObjItem, "Write");	# open it
# add the polygon styles to the style object
myStyles.AddStyle("styleA", polystyleA);
myStyles.AddStyle("styleB", polystyleB);
myStyles.AddStyle("styleC", polystyleC);
print("Created the style object and added the styles.");
# set up stringlist of style names in same order as the associated attribute
class STRINGLIST stylenameList;
# open the output vector's polygon database
polyDB.OpenAsSubobject(PolyVecOut, "Write");
# open the "PolyType" polygon table and get the FIELDINFO for the "Type" field 
class RVC_DESCRIPTOR tblDescriptor;
class RVC_DBTABLE typeTbl;
typeTbl.Open(polyDB, tblDescriptor, "Read");
#class RVC_DBFIELDINFO typeFieldInfo; 
#typeTbl.GetFieldInfo("Type", typeFieldInfo);
# make a style assignment table: uses special class for style tables
class RVC_DBTABLE_STYLE styleAssignmentTbl;			# style  table class instance
tblDescriptor.SetName("PolyStyleAssign");		# name for the table, used in the Make method
# set up parameters for making the style assignment table: table and field to relate to, and table usage
class RVC_DBTABLE_MAKEPARM_STYLE_ELEMENT styleTblMakeParms(typeTbl, "Type", "PolyStyle");
styleAssignmentTbl.Make(polyDB, tblDescriptor, styleTblMakeParms);
print("Created style assignment table.");
# open the style assignment table for writing and set the link to the style object
styleAssignmentTbl.Open(polyDB, tblDescriptor, "Write");
# add records to the style assignment table
class RVC_DBTABLE_RECORD styleRecord;		# class structure for a record
styleRecord.AssignTable(styleAssignmentTbl);	# initialize record for the table
class RVC_RECORDNUM recordNum;				# class to hold record number
numeric i;	# counter
# loop through stringlists with attribute values and style names to populate records
for i = 0 to stylenameList.GetNumItems() - 1
#	printf("i = %d, attribute = %s, style = %s\n", i, attList[i], stylenameList[i]);
	styleRecord.SetValue("Type", attList[i]);						# set attribute value
	styleRecord.SetValue("_StyleName_", stylenameList[i]);	# set style name
	styleRecord.SetValue("_StyleIndex_", i);				
	styleRecord.SetValue("_DrawFlag_", 1);
	styleAssignmentTbl.AddRecord(styleRecord, recordNum); 
	printf("New assignment table record number = %d\n", recordNum.Number);
# close the style assignment table and polygon database
# Set display parameters for the vector to use the polygon styles.
# This requires setting up a virtual display group and adding the output vector as
# a virtual layer.
print("Setting display parameters.")
class GRE_GROUP group;		# create virtual display group
group = GroupCreate();
class GRE_LAYER_VECTOR vecLayer;
vecLayer = GroupQuickAddVectorVar( group, PolyVecOut);		# add the output vector to the group
# set polygon style mode to ByAttribute
vecLayer.Poly.StyleMode = "ByAttribute";
# in order to set the style assignment table to use for display need to get a legacy DBTABLEINFO
# class instance for the table.
class DATABASE polygonDatabase;
polygonDatabase = OpenVectorPolyDatabase(PolyVecOut);
class DBTABLEINFO styleAssignmentTblInfo;
styleAssignmentTblInfo = DatabaseGetTableInfo(polygonDatabase, "PolyStyleAssign");
# set style assignment table to use 
vecLayer.Poly.Table = styleAssignmentTblInfo;
# save the display parameters