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# CheckFileObjs.sml
# Script to check Project Files in a directory for:
# 1) file contains only one raster object
# 2) raster name = file name
# Errors are recorded in a log file written to the input directory.
class STRING inDir$; # path to input directory selected
class STRINGLIST filelist; # list of Project Fies in the directory
class STRING filePath$; # filepath string for current Project File
class STRING fileNameRoot$; # name of Project File without the extension
class RVC_OBJECT rvcFile; # the current Project File
class RVC_OBJITEM objItemList[]; # hash of objitems in current Project File
class STRING rasterName$; # name of the current raster object
numeric errorsFound; # flag to indicate errors have been found
class FILE logfile;
numeric i; # counter
class GUI_DLG dlgwin; # the dialog window
class GUI_CTRL_PUSHBUTTON runBtn; # handle for the Run button
class GUI_CTRL_EDIT_STRING indirtext; # handle for the directory text field
class GUI_CTRL_EDIT_STRING statustext;
class GUI_CTRL_LISTBOX filelistbox, resultlistbox; # handles for the listboxes
numeric err;
##### procedure prototypes
proc GetInDir();
proc onRun();
proc onCancel();
proc onClose();
################# Main Program #####################
class STRING xml$ = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "smlforms.dtd">
<dialog id="checkNames" Title="Check File-Object Name Match" Buttons="">
<pane Orientation="Verticall" HorizResize="Fixed">
<pushbutton Name=" Input Directory " OnPressed="GetInDir()"/>
<edittext id="indirtext" width="35" ReadOnly="true"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizResize="Fixed">
<pane Orientation="Vertical" HorizResize="Fixed" VertResize="Fixed">
<listbox id="filelistbox" Width="15"/>
<pane Orientation="Vertical" HorizResize="Fixed" VertResize="Fixed">
<listbox id="resultlistbox" Width="15"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizAlign="left">
<edittext id="statustext" Width="20" ReadOnly="true"/>
<pane Orientation="Horizontal" HorizAlign="right">
<pushbutton id="runBtn" Name=" Run " Enabled="false" OnPressed="onRun()"/>
<pushbutton id="closeBtn" Name=" Close " OnPressed="onClose()"/>
### parse XML text for the dialog into memory
class XMLDOC dlgdoc;
err = dlgdoc.Parse(xml$);
### get the dialog element from the parsed XML document
class XMLNODE dlgnode;
dlgnode = dlgdoc.GetElementByID("checkNames");
### set the dialog XML element as the source for the GUI_DLG class instance
### get handles for dialog controls
indirtext = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("indirtext");
runBtn = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("runBtn");
filelistbox = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("filelistbox");
resultlistbox = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("resultlistbox");
statustext = dlgwin.GetCtrlByID("statustext");
################ USER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS ########################
### procedure to choose the input directory
proc GetInDir()
inDir$ = GetDirectory(_context.ScriptDir, "Choose directory with Project Files to check:");
class FILEPATH inDirPath(inDir$);
indirtext.SetValueStr(inDir$); # write directory name to dialog
# clear dialog listboxes if they are still populated from a previous run
if (filelistbox.GetCount() > 0) then filelistbox.DeleteAllItems();
if (resultlistbox.GetCount() >0) then resultlistbox.DeleteAllItems();
# clear status text field
statustext.SetValueStr(""); # clear status message text field
# get list of RVC Files in the directory
filelist = inDirPath.GetFileList("*.rvc");
for i = 1 to filelist.GetNumItems()
filelistbox.AddItem( filelist[i-1] );
### procedure called by the Close button
proc onClose()
### procedure to create the log file
proc makeLogfile()
errorsFound = 1;
local class DATETIME dt;
local class STRING date$ = sprintf("%d", dt.GetDateYYYYMMDD() );
local class STRING logfilename$ = sprintf("%s/NameCheck_%s.log", inDir$, date$);
logfile = fopen(logfilename$, "a");
fprintf(logfile, "Log for check of match of file/object names in directory %s\n", inDir$);
### procedure executed by the Run button
proc onRun()
errorsFound = 0;
for i = 1 to filelist.GetNumItems()
fileNameRoot$ = GetToken(filelist[i-1], ".", 1);
filePath$ = inDir$ + "/" + filelist[i-1];
class FILEPATH rvcFilepath(filePath$);
rvcFile.OpenFile(rvcFilepath, "Read");
# get list of raster objects in the file
rvcFile.GetChildList("RASTER", objItemList);
if (objItemList.GetNumItems() > 1) # error: more than one raster object
resultlistbox.AddItem( sprintf("%d rasters in file", objItemList.GetNumItems()) );
if (!errorsFound) then makeLogfile();
fprintf(logfile, "File %s: %d rasters in file\n", filelist[i-1], objItemList.GetNumItems() );
else # only one raster object in file, check if names match
rasterName$ = objItemList[1].GetDescriptor().GetFullName();
if (rasterName$ <> fileNameRoot$) # error: names don't match
resultlistbox.AddItem("name mismatch");
if (!errorsFound) then makeLogfile();
fprintf(logfile, "File %s: name mismatch\n", filelist[i-1]);
else if (rasterName$ == fileNameRoot$) then
resultlistbox.AddItem("OK"); # no error
if (errorsFound)
statustext.SetValueStr("Errors found, written to logfile.");
statustext.SetValueStr("No errors found in directory.");
} # end onRun()