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# SML created 24 June 2004
# Cindy Robbins
# exports a raster to an X, Y, Z text file, formatted so each line of the
# text file corresponds to one cell in the raster
raster R;
class Georef geoR;
class POINT2D coords;
class FILE outFile;
geoR = GetLastUsedGeorefObject(R);
#outFile = GetOutputTextFile("c:/rasterToXYZ.txt", "Select text file for output", "txt");
if (fexists("c:/rasterToXYZ.txt"))
outFile = fopen("c:/rasterToXYZ.txt", "a");
# loop through each cell in the raster,
# getting the cell value and writing to text file.
numeric row, col;
for row = 1 to R.$Info.NumLins {
for col = 1 to R.$Info.NumCols {
# get the cell value
numeric cellVal = R[row, col];
# if (cellVal == null) cellVal = 0; # uncomment if you want to set null value to 0.
coords = ObjectToMap(R, col - .5, row - .5, geoR);
fprintf(outFile, "%f%s%f%s%f%s", coords.x, " ", coords.y , " ", cellVal, " ");
fprintf(outFile, "\n");
} #close 'for col...'
} # close 'for row...'