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#	Demonstration SML script 
#	Requires a tntdisp dated 3-Feb-98 or later
class XmForm form;			
raster Composite, PopulationA, PopulationB;
class GRE_VIEW view;
class GRE_LAYER_RASTER layer, poplayerA, poplayerB;	
class PORT portA, portB;
class PromptNum nominalA, pctchangeA;	
class PromptNum nominalB, pctchangeB;	
class ButtonItem button1, button2;
class XmForm button_row;
class GRE_GROUP group;
numeric height, width;
numeric version = round(_context.Version * 10);
if (version < 74) {
	PopupMessage("This version requires that you are using TNTmips2008:74 or later");
numeric olda, oldb;
numeric fakePorts = 0;				# Set to 1 to debug without the device attached
if (!fakePorts) {
	portA = PortOpen("com1");	# Com port for Channel A
	portB = PortOpen("com2");	# Com port for Channel B
	portA.settings = "9600:8:none:1:no_flow_control";
	portB.settings = "9600:8:none:1:no_flow_control";
#	This is the callback for when the mouse stops moving
#	It will be called when a data-tip is shown.
proc cbMouseStop(class GRE_VIEW aview) {
	local numeric rate, val, unitsPerStep, nomrate;
	#------------ Channel A -------------
	class POINT2D pt = ViewTransPointViewToLayer(view, poplayerA, view.Mouse);
	rate = PopulationA[pt.y, pt.x];
	if (IsNull(rate)) {
		val = 32 + olda;	# Sending a 32 turns off the planter
	else {
		# Compute the code to send to the planter controller
		nomrate = nominalA.value;
		unitsPerStep = pctchangeA.value * nomrate / 100.0;
		val = (nomrate - rate) / unitsPerStep + 16;
		val = Bound(val, 0, 31);	# Force to valid range
		olda = val;
	if (fakePorts) {
		printf("Mouse = %d,%d, rate=%d, val=%d\n", pt.x, pt.y, rate, val);
	else {
		fwritebyte(portA, val);	# Write the value to the port
	#------------ Channel B -------------
	pt = ViewTransPointViewToLayer(view, poplayerB, view.Mouse);
	rate = PopulationB[pt.y, pt.x];
	if (IsNull(rate)) {
		val = 32 + oldb;	# Sending a 32 turns off the planter
	else {
		# Compute the code to send to the planter controller
		nomrate = nominalB.value;
		unitsPerStep = pctchangeB.value * nomrate / 100.0;
		val = (nomrate - rate) / unitsPerStep + 16;
		val = Bound(val, 0, 31);	# Force to valid range
		oldb = val;
	if (fakePorts) {
		printf("Mouse = %d,%d, rate=%d, val=%d\n", pt.x, pt.y, rate, val);
	else {
		fwritebyte(portB, val);	# Write the value to the port
#	Callback for when the "Exit" button is pressed
proc cbQuit(class widget widget) {
GetInputRasters(Composite, PopulationA, PopulationB);
form = CreateModalFormDialog("Planter Control");
nominalB = CreatePromptNum(form, "Ch B -- Nominal Rate:", 10, 0, 25000);
nominalB.LeftWidget = form;
nominalB.LeftOffset = 3;
nominalB.BottomWidget = form;
nominalB.value = IniReadNumber("planter", "nominalB", 25000);
pctchangeB = CreatePromptNum(form, "% Change:", 5, 1, 2);
pctchangeB.LeftWidget = nominalB;
pctchangeB.LeftOffset = 6;
pctchangeB.BottomWidget = form;
pctchangeB.value = IniReadNumber("planter", "pctchangeB", 2);
nominalA = CreatePromptNum(form, "Ch A -- Nominal Rate:", 10, 0, 25000);
nominalA.LeftWidget = form;
nominalA.LeftOffset = 3;
nominalA.BottomWidget = nominalB;
nominalA.value = IniReadNumber("planter", "nominalA", 25000);
pctchangeA = CreatePromptNum(form, "% Change:", 5, 1, 2);
pctchangeA.LeftWidget = nominalA;
pctchangeA.LeftOffset = 6;
pctchangeA.BottomWidget = pctchangeB;
pctchangeA.value = IniReadNumber("planter", "pctchangeA", 2);
button2 = CreatePushButtonItem("Exit", cbQuit);
button_row = CreateButtonRow(form, button2);
button_row.BottomWidget = form;
button_row.BottomOffset = 1;
button_row.RightOffset = 1;
button_row.LeftWidget = pctchangeA;
group = DispCreate2DGroup();
layer = GroupQuickAddRasterVar(group, Composite);
poplayerA = GroupQuickAddRasterVar(group, PopulationA);
poplayerB = GroupQuickAddRasterVar(group, PopulationB);
height = NumLins(Composite);
width = NumCols(Composite);
while (height > 700 or width > 1000) {
	height /= 2;
	width /= 2;
view = GroupCreateView(group, form, "view", height, width);
form.BottomWidget = pctchangeA;
LayerHide(poplayerA, view);
LayerHide(poplayerB, view);
layer.ShowDataTips = 0;
poplayerA.ShowDataTips = 1;
poplayerB.ShowDataTips = 1;
poplayerA.DataTip.Suffix = "Sds/A";
poplayerB.DataTip.Suffix = "Sds/A";
DispAddCallback(view.DataTipShownCallback, cbMouseStop);
#DispAddCallback(view.MouseMoveCallback, cbMouseStop);
#view.ScalePosVisible = 0;
view.ShowDataTips = 2;
#	Open the dialog.
ViewSetMessage(view, "Move the mouse over the field to control the planter");
#	Wait for the dialog to close.  This function will
#	not return until the dialog closes.  
#	The normal way to do this is have a button or menu
#	item who's callback calls DialogClose(form).
#	Clicking on the "X" button on the title bar will 
#	close it (although I plan to let you override that 
#	too)
#	Remember our prompt settings for next time
IniWriteNumber("planter", "nominalA", nominalA.value);
IniWriteNumber("planter", "nominalB", nominalB.value);
IniWriteNumber("planter", "pctchangeA", pctchangeA.value);
IniWriteNumber("planter", "pctchangeB", pctchangeB.value);
#	Destroy our form to free up its memory.  
if (!fakePorts) {