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# InputMat.sml
# Use a procedure and an added sml function to parse a
# string and fill in a matrix of known size
# from values found in a text file
# NOTE: script uses compiled instr.c tntsdk example
# to find numeric text position inside of a string.
# SML will not work
# unless you have successfully compiled and run instr.exe
# See TNTSDK examples.
# an example would be to read in a covariance matrix needed
# for the RasterLinearCombine Function. Once filled, the
# matrix is available to other functions.
# a sample text file is provided, and assumes a predetermined
# format. The format contains leading descriptive text that
# precludes the use of fgetnum() to read in numbers from files.
# AUTHOR: Ray L. Harris, Jr.
# CREATION DATE: March 17, 1998
# Example Data
# Band_1 Band_2 Band_3 Band_4
#CROP : 0.0388 0.0759 0.0459 0.0659
#SOIL : 0.0402 0.0518 0.0477 0.0816
#ROAD : 0.0843 0.1423 0.2324 0.2698
# proc readValuesFromFile(pathandfilename$, matHandle)
# procedure to read values from file where file format is
# descriptive text to the left of the colon, and data for each
# band to the right. Data is separated by spaces.
# parameters:
# pathandfilename$ string of filename to process
# matHandle a matrix handle filled by this function
# procedure and function definitions
proc readValuesFromFile(pathandfilename$, matHandle) {
print ("reading", pathandfilename$)
#check for file existence
If (fexists(pathandfilename$, "r")) {
# open the file
fHandle = fopen(pathandfilename$, "r")
# trim spaces and print the first row, it contains headers
valuestring$ = fgetline$(fHandle)
while (left$(valuestring$, 1) == " " and strlen(valuestring$) > 0) {
valuestring$ = right$(valuestring$, (strlen(valuestring$) - 1))
# outer loop to fill matrix rows
# row size determined by the
# size of the passed matrix
loopend = GetMatrixRowSize(matHandle) - 1
for s = 0 to loopend {
get the first line from the file
valuestring$ = fgetline$(fHandle)
# look for the colon separator
# could replace this with a popup to ask the user
# to pick the separator
substr$ = ":"
# get colon position using InStr function
posvalue = InStr(valuestring$,substr$, 1)
linelength = strlen(valuestring$) - posvalue
# chop off descriptive text before the colon
valuestring$ = right$(valuestring$, linelength)
#get four values and at the same time test for leading spaces
newsubstring$ = " "
for v = 0 to 3 {
while (left$(valuestring$, 1) == " " and strlen(valuestring$) > 0) {
valuestring$ = right$(valuestring$, (strlen(valuestring$) - 1))
# use StrToNum to convert leading value
value = StrToNum(valuestring$)
# fill the matrix
SetMatrixItem(matHandle, s,v,value)
# find the next space, trim and repeat
nextpos = InStr(valuestring$, newsubstring$, 1)
valuestring$ = right$(valuestring$, strlen(valuestring$) - nextpos)
# print the matrix number and contents comma separated
printf("%s%d\n", "Matrix: ", matHandle)
# get the size of the matrix
lastRow = GetMatrixRowSize(matHandle) - 1
lastCol = GetMatrixColSize(matHandle) - 1
for row = 0 to lastRow {
for col = 0 to lastCol {
printf("%1.4f,", $2
GetMatrixItem(matHandle, row, col))
print(" ")
print( " " ) # print blank line after matrix output
# condition for wrong filename, could trap
# an error, but not necessary
else {
print("Could not find or read file.")
# close the text file
} #end of proc printMatrix()
# Main program
# main program to test the procedure
# ask for the path and filename
prompt$ = "Enter path and filename."
filename$ = PopupString(prompt$, "c:/Program Files/MicroImages/TNT_70/smlsamples/inputmat_values.txt")
# make a matrix to fill
valuematrix = CreateMatrix(3,4)
# call the procedure
readValuesFromFile(filename$, valuematrix)
# test the returned matrix
testitem = GetMatrixItem(valuematrix,1,1)
printf("At row 1, col 1 the value is %1.4f\n", testitem)
# get rid of the matrix
#end main