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# sample script for tutorial "Writing Scripts with SML"
# Version of VIEWSHED.SML showing use of $define, $ifdef, $endif
# preprocessor commands to define a DEBUG mode during script development.
# Computes binary viewshed raster from elevation Raster input
# use sample 8-bit input elevation raster CB_TM.RVC / ELEVATION
# use sample input vector object VIEWSHED.RVC / VROAD
# computes viewshed for all points on all lines
# of a corresponding Vector object
# could use to get viewshed for all points
# on one or more roads
### Declarations
array numeric xArray[10]; # use to hold line points
array numeric yArray[10];
raster Rin, Rout;
vector V;
class GEOREF georefR, georefV;
numeric numLines, numPoints;
numeric thisLine, numPointsInThisLine;
class MATRIX matX, matY;
numeric currentPoint, i;
numeric xVector, yVector, rCol, rLine;
numeric percent, height, zScale;
clear(); # clear the console
$define DEBUG
# get the input and output raster and Vector object
GetInputRaster( Rin );
GetInputVector( V );
GetOutputRaster( Rout, NumLins( Rin ), NumCols( Rin ), "binary" );
# get georef object id's for raster and vector
georefR = GetLastUsedGeorefObject( Rin );
georefV = GetLastUsedGeorefObject( V );
# first count total number of points in all lines
numLines = NumVectorLines( V );
numPoints = 0;
for thisLine = 1 to numLines {
numPointsInThisLine = GetVectorLinePointList( V, xArray, yArray, thisLine );
numPoints += numPointsInThisLine;
$ifdef DEBUG
printf( "Line= %d, NumVertices= %d\n", thisLine, numPointsInThisLine );
# now create matrices large enough to hold points
matX = CreateMatrix(1, numPoints );
matY = CreateMatrix(1, numPoints );
# now loop through lines and fill in matrices with points
currentPoint = 0; # this will be our matrix index
for thisLine = 1 to numLines {
numPointsInThisLine = GetVectorLinePointList( V, xArray, yArray, thisLine );
for i = 1 to numPointsInThisLine {
# convert vector coordinates to georef;
ObjectToMap( V, xArray[i], yArray[i], georefV,
xVector, yVector );
# convert vector coordinates to raster coordinates
# note the order of rCol and rLine
# col = x coord, row = y coord
MapToObject( georefR, xVector, yVector,
Rin, rCol, rLine );
# force to upper left corner
rLine = floor( rLine );
rCol = floor( rCol );
# want matrix to index from zero to numPoints
SetMatrixItem( matX, 0, currentPoint, rCol );
SetMatrixItem( matY, 0, currentPoint, rLine );
$ifdeg DEBUG
printf( "i= %d, xVect= %.4f, yVect= %.4f, rLine= %d, rCol= %d\n", i, xVector, yVector, rLine, rCol );
currentPoint += 1;
} # end of for i
} # end of for each line in V
# set default values - want any one point to make "visible"
percent = 100 / numPoints;
height = 2;
zScale = 1;
# now create the viewshed Raster object
RasterToBinaryViewshed( Rin, Rout, numPoints, matX, matY, percent, height, zScale );
# clean up
GeorefFree( georefR ); # must free up id's
GeorefFree( georefV );
DestroyMatrix( matX );
DestroyMatrix( matY );
CloseRaster( Rin );
CloseRaster( Rout );