Label Elements by Script

contour_line_z_labels.qry: Returns the Z value of the line. contour_line_z_labels.qry
disp_labels_multi_line_area.qry: Label polygons with Class and the number of acres (m2 converted to acres). disp_labels_multi_line_area.qry
labelMultipleRecords.qry: Label for each element lists field values for all records attached to it. Assumes table.field contains a string. labelMultipleRecords.qry
multiline_label_query.qry: Label polygons with soil class and area. Uses print() and printf() to output two lines. multiline_label_query.qry
MultiLineLabel.qry: Use with cb_soils.rvc vector polygons. Formatted label includes soil type, wheat yield, and description. MultiLineLabel.qry
pointcoordslabel.qry: Add point coordinate labels to point elements via Vector Layer Controls, Points tab, Dynamic Lables, Text: By Script. pointcoordslabel.qry
queries_p26.qry: From page 26 of the Building and using Queries tutorial. Limits the labels to polygons based on polygon area and shape. queries_p26.qry
zqueryforlabelsintntdisp.qry: Labels lines with Z value formatted as integer. Can use with contour line data. zqueryforlabelsintntdisp.qry
zval_decimal_places.qry: Labels lines with Z value formatted as floating point. Can use with contour line data. zval_decimal_places.qry