
AutoRegisterSPOT4band.sml: Demonstrates use of the IMAGE_PIPELINE_AUTOREGISTER class to automatically generate control points for an input image from a reference image. AutoRegisterSPOT4band.sml
AutoRegisterSPOT4bandWebTilesetRef.sml: Demonstrates use of the IMAGE_PIPELINE_AUTOREGISTER class to automatically generate control points for an input image from a reference web tileset on the internet. AutoRegisterSPOT4bandWebTilesetRef.sml
TechGuideAuto-Register Images using Web Tileset
geolocate2.sml: This script creates a new control point georeference for these imported MODIS HDF rasters using the lat/lon rasters. geolocate2.sml
objext.sml: Prints object extents: min x, y, z and max x, y, z. objext.sml
smlgeo.sml: Demonstrate creation of georef object. smlgeo.sml
TransferGeoref.sml: Script to automate copying of georeference from original raster objects in .rvc files to rasters of the same dimensions that have been enhanced outside TNTmips and reimported. TransferGeoref.sml

Writing Scripts with SML