
Making Topographic Maps

TNTmips provides a variety of tools for working with map data and making topographic maps that can be printed or distributed as an electronic atlas.  This booklet is intended as a general guide to making topographic maps in TNTmips.  Using a sample map layout, it discusses how the different data layers can be prepared and assembled, and illustrates the type of results you can achieve with your own data using TNTmips.

navigate.jpglabel and style contour lines

navigate.jpgcontour a DEM

navigate.jpgauto-trace scanned contours

navigate.jpgstream network from a DEM

navigate.jpgstyles and symbols for map layers

navigate.jpgauto-generate labels for map elements

navigate.jpgmap legends

navigate.jpgscale bars and map grids

navigate.jpguse your language

navigate.jpgtemplates for map production