

Your raster, vector, CAD, and TIN geodata need map control in order to establish the geospatial relationships between the various objects in your project materials. Derive map control from existing objects by adding tiepoints in side-by-side and overlay display modes. Use an X-Y digitizer to enter coordinates from paper maps, or place control points with coordinates from GPS devices.

navigate.jpgselect any projection

navigate.jpgregister to reference layer

navigate.jpgtransparent raster overlay

navigate.jpgautomatically reconcile projections

navigate.jpgconvert projection systems

navigate.jpgconnect tiepoints

navigate.jpgresiduals update automatically

navigate.jpgscale / orientation updated

navigate.jpgedit control points

navigate.jpgdefine custom projections

View this Getting Started booklet: georef.pdf Georeferencing (file date: )