New Features in TNTgis 2018
Updated 22 Jan 2018
General System Changes
- Add support for MacOS 10.13 and 10.13.1.
- Geospatial Catalog - Search is no longer case-sensitive to increase number of matches. The last-used CRS for point and range search is now retained as a default for the next use.
- Bing Maps - All TNTgis Pro licenses that are authorized for version 2018 will continue to have access to the Microsoft Bing Maps layers during 2018. This includes earlier versions of TNTgis once version 2018 is installed and activated.
- When hovering the cursor over a layer name in the sidebar legend, that layer will temporarily displayed over the top of all other layers. This provides a way to quickly determine what part of a complex display is from a particular layer.
- Scale Bar Layer - The controls for this layer have been redesigned. Controls were added for "Tick Length" and "Label Position". There is now an "Apply" button to allow viewing changes in the layout without closing the control window. The scale setting options have also been clarified.
- When styling polygons "By Theme" a label field may be specified to place inside the legend sample. This feature was previously only available when styling "By Attribute".
- CartoScript - Allow built-in drawing / styling of elements after custom CartoScript functions are used when styling by script. This is enabled by use of the LineStyleResetDrawnState() function in the script after all other CartoScript (LineStyle...) functions.
Rig Camera Alignment & Exposure Balancing
- This new process is designed to allow automatic multi-band alignment and exposure balancing of hundreds or even thousands of images in a dataset. Typically such images are acquired using a UAS (drone) or piloted aircraft.
- Alignment is determined automatically and can be reused for additional datasets or recomputed for each new dataset. Initial alignment usually takes 1-2 minutes or so depending on the number of cameras.
- Processing of frames is extremely fast, typically requiring less than one second per frame after initial alignment. So a complete drone survey can be processed in the field on a laptop computer, typically in less time than the original flight.
- Various preview options are available and the user can quickly "step" through the images for review to make sure they were all correctly acquired. The GPS point locations can be displayed over a suitable reference image (or Bing layer) to show the track flown and aid in excluding the beginning and ending images if needed.
- Once an alignment has been performed, any 3-band combination of images may be displayed along with grayscale, with up to 4 simultaneous displays for comparison. Multi-band histogram and correlation displays are also available, with automatic tracking of cell values based on cursor location in the image view window.
- Compensation for exposure differences between frames can be performed automatically. Such differences can be due to automatic exposure adjustment on the camera when flying over bright versus dark surfaces. This improves matching of images while allowing the entire range of the sensor to be used.
- An additional option to compensate for variable lighting conditions, such as sunny versus cloudy frames is also available.
- Automatic vignetting / flat field correction may also be performed when appropriate coefficients are available.
- Several multi-camera "rigs" are supported, including models from MicaSense, Parrot, MAPIR, SlantRange and SAL Engineering.
- Outputs images as multi-layer or multi-page TIFF files, or with each band in a separate file.
- Datum Transformation Supplemental Files - 49 grid-based datum transformations have been added and are available via a supplemental installer.
- Add tool for deriving "principal point" in aerial photos. The tool allows the user to designate 4 fiducial marks on opposite sides of the image, in any order. These can be at the corners or sides, depending on what is visible in the image. Once 4 points are located, the tool will show intersecting lines to indicate the principal point.
Image Import / Export
- Allow export of composite RGB images to "BIL".
- TIFF Import - Automatically import color palette from ArcGIS .clr file if present.
- When auto-linking to image files, if the image has a color palette the "sample" mode will be used in pyramid generation. This will guarantee that the cells correspond to a reasonable color palette item regardless of the actual palette structure (continuous or discrete colors).
Scripting / SML
- Add function to compute georeference for an image tileset. This allows setting up resampling and mosaic pipeline filters to have the georeference needed for tileset output.
- Add RVC_OBJECT::DumpInfo() function to output internal object details to a string for advanced processing. The same information that is reported in the object "properties" is output to the string.
- Add SurfaceFitMinimumCurvature() function variation without "reference" raster so can specify grid ratio.
- Add "TopographicIndex" flag to the WatershedCompute() function to compute Compound Topographic Index.
- Add LineStyleResetDrawnState() to CartoScript functions.
Raster Mosaic
- Add ability to mosaic ungeoreferenced input via manual tie-point placement.
- Add "farthest from edge" overlap method. This is particularly useful when working with images of different dimensions.
- Add "averaging" overlap method for creating more seamless mosaics.
- Add option to set color of source image extents graphic layer to improve visibility.
- Coordinates for tiepoints when adding and editing are now displayed.
- Temporarily display layer on top of others while hovering cursor over name in object list.
- Move by single pixel when use arrow keys.
Image Extract
- Add option to extract by polygon attributes. This is enabled via the "Combine by Attribute" toggle when using the "By Polygons" extraction mode.
Image Thresholding
- Add "Otsu's Method" for automatically determining optimimum separation value when thresholding. This method is generally appropriate for images with a bimodal distribution.
- The preview of the threshold result is now updated immediately after any parameter change. Also added "Help" for this process.
Raster Reassign Cell Values
- Provide defaults for new lookup table values based on previous entries.
- Add method of automatically populating lookup table. This is available for Range, Threshold and Value modes.
- Add option to show histogram for input image to aid in selecting values to assign.
- Add option to transfer color palettes.
- Raster Reassign Cell Values - Add way to delete row from lookup table.
Convert Database to Geometric
- Add ability to view selected table. This is useful for determining correct field format, etc.
- Provide related CRS as option when database is contained in a geometric object.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Create Custom Icons for TNTsdk-Based Applications
- For "Concentration" unit type, add "parts per million", "parts per billion", and "percentage".
- In surface depression filling, allow values less than 1 for maximum fill depth with floating-point elevation rasters.
- Raster Correlation Window - Allow up to 32 input images.
- Raster Progressive Transform - Add window to view histograms of all input rasters. When the cursor is in the spatial view window, the corresponding cell values in the histograms will be tracked.
- Image Lens Correction - Add new cameras and lens.
- Color Palette Editor - Add option to import from ArcGIS .clr format.
- Allow custom icons to be created and used when developing TNTsdk-based applications.